Letter of the Week: All pipelines will carry some risk
Anyone reading the concerns raised by opponents of the Northern Gateway and Trans Mountain pipelines might think these companies build pipelines designed to leak. This is nonsense. The lost oil alone...
View ArticleBrenda Kenny: Let’s use facts, not myths, in pipeline debates
There is no doubt that public persuasion and influence are powerful tools. But with that knowledge, comes responsibility. Fact-based evidence and scientific studies are the way in which our group, the...
View ArticleLetters: Adrian Dix, Christy Clark, John Cummins, B.C. election, investment,...
Voters need to think NDP leader Adrian Dix’s about-face on the Kinder Morgan proposal that has not even been filed yet, was questioned by the media on Friday after the leaders’ radio debate. When...
View ArticleLetters: Online voting, election, Liberals, NDP, oil, pipelines, gas prices,...
Online voting needed It is quite disappointing that in this day of advanced technology we do not yet have the ability to vote online. For many British Columbians, despite the limited absentee voting...
View ArticleMark Milke: Premier Christy Clark’s pipeline politics not good for Canada
CALGARY – Premier Christy Clark’s recent assertion that British Columbia didn’t need the federal government or Alberta reveals why Canada’s founding fathers were concerned about provincial...
View ArticleAlleged leader of Gulf cartel arrested near U.S.-Mexico border
According to CNN, an alleged leader of Mexico’s Gulf Cartel was arrested Sunday in Reynosa, Mexico near the Texas border. “Gulf cartel”? BP, Exxon or Chevron? DISNEYLAND TIMELAPSE Magic Kingdom…...
View ArticleLetters: B.C. Hydro, costly green energy, Gordon Campbell, oil, mental...
Ontario hydro bad too I read your editorial on B.C. Hydro with great interest as we are experiencing the same out-of-control hydro rates here in Ontario, all because of the Liberals pushing an...
View ArticleCapt. Stephen Brown: B.C. mariners reject oil-tanker fearmongering
Most British Columbians are aware the Canadian oilsands provide needed, well-paying jobs. Perhaps less appreciated is the fact that the oilsands industry has an indirect but very substantial positive...
View ArticleEditorial: Protesters’ theatrics are becoming tiresome
Prime Minister Stephen Harper made light of a potentially fatal security breach Monday at a Vancouver Board of Trade meeting when a couple of eco-zealots got within stabbing distance of the prime...
View ArticleAdam Olsen: No action as derelict vessels continue to pollute B.C. coast
For decades, mayors, councillors, trustees and regional directors have passed resolutions at the Union of B.C. Municipalities annual meeting asking senior governments to take care of the derelict and...
View ArticleLetters: Humpback whales, oil, trade embargoes, Crimea, Russia, jaywalking,...
Oil before whales Timing is everything, it seems. The federal government has removed North Pacific humpback whales from the list of threatened species, helped along by persuasion from Alaska’s...
View ArticleDan Miller: How will we pay for stuff without the resource sector?
As taxpayers wrestle with another government/teachers collective-bargaining process, and voters look to municipal elections across the province in a little less than six months, let’s get some things...
View ArticleConstruction unions: Northern Gateway pipeline needed to enrich us all
For generations, Canada has developed its natural resources to build our economy for the benefit of working families. Those resources are the foundation of our quality of life, supporting our schools,...
View ArticleLetter of the Week: Pipeline exporting crude isn’t good for Canada, job creation
A recent opinion piece from a handful of construction unions — Northern Gateway pipeline needed to enrich us all — was long on rhetoric about the Northern Gateway pipeline and short on facts....
View ArticleMichael Burt: Pipeline jobs won’t strain B.C. labour market
The Trans Mountain Expansion Project is a major investment in Canada’s oil transportation infrastructure. It is not, however, too big a project for British Columbia’s labour market and economy to...
View ArticleLetters: Vision attack ads, Remembrance Day, Whitlock, MPs, climate, oil
Attack ads show fear of voters If you’ve seen the Vision Vancouver attack ads against the Non-Partisan Association, doesn’t it make you wonder? Vision is spending a lot of money on those negative ads....
View ArticleLetters: Burnaby Mountain protest, Kinder Morgan, oil, pipelines, wealth,...
Police should do their job I couldn’t agree more with Tuesday’s editorial about the protester on Burnaby Mountain. I understand their concerns, but until we have a viable and commercially available...
View ArticleLetters: Ferguson riot, media, police shootings, Pat Quinn, hygiene, Burnaby...
Media to blame? CNN’s coverage of the violence in Ferguson, Mo., provides a justifiable reason to question how much the presence of media might influence levels of tension and behaviours at public...
View ArticleLetters: Dharm Makwana, racism, U.S. immigration, oil, heroin, poverty,...
Canada an ‘autumn tree of colours’ I am deeply sorry for the interrogations that Dharm Makwana and his wife received. Even had I not dated an Egyptian woman with the last name Khadr for a decade, I...
View ArticleChristopher Wilson: Burnaby Mountain is no Clayoquot Sound
During the last few weeks, a time-warp has descended over Burnaby Mountain. I’m not just referring to the fact counter-cultural, anti-everything protesters are showing up in their best arrestee attire,...
View ArticleStewart Muir: Reject the false claims of resource job killers
In coming days, activists in Vancouver will launch a campaign saying that increased oil shipments will inevitably destroy the B.C. tourism industry. They are choosing to do this now because they hope...
View ArticleCapt. Stephen Brown: Exxon-Valdez-type spill is not possible in B.C.
In the past few weeks, we have witnessed the protests on Burnaby Mountain, where activists assembled to protest against the survey and sampling work related to potential oil pipeline infrastructure...
View ArticleLetters: Dario Bartoli, youth violence, mumps, Sony leaks, guns, oil, taxes,...
Terrible to lose a teenage When teenagers — who should have a future life in which to dream, learn and grow — are killed we are all left wondering how such tragedies can befall them. It is terrible...
View ArticleLetters: Kids, play, oil, LNG, fuel exports, guns, Burrard Bridge, TransLink,...
They’d call the police if kids played like we did in the past Marpole, in the 1920s and 1930s was a great place to grow up. It was an area of homes filled with people who knew their neighbours. And...
View ArticleLetters: Marijuana, Vancouver city hall, U.S. Open, tanker routes, oil,...
Vancouver failing to consider harms of using marijuana There was such a public outcry over yoga on a bridge that the premier was “compelled” to cancel it and yet Vancouver city manager Penny Ballem’s...
View ArticleNeil Menard: Interior folks love the environment and support pipelines
There has been a lot of discussion about pipeline projects in recent days, especially in the Lower Mainland of B.C., where urban environmentalists tend to dominate the conversation. People seem to...
View ArticleLetters: Boycott B.C., pipelines, oil, Stephen Harper, climate, euthanasia
Calgary family calls for B.C.-goods boycott over pipelines We have just made a decision in our family to no longer buy B.C. wines (as much as we like them) or B.C. fruits and vegetables (as fresh as...
View ArticleBarry Cooper: Energy East foes are all about keeping the West down
For the past six weeks, I have been doing research in the United States. Only the state dinner penetrated the news blackout on Canada. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s words were reported, they...
View ArticleLetters: Justin Trudeau, just not ready?, oil, amalgamation, Komagata Maru...
Given his conduct, can we trust Trudeau with big decisions? It was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s attempt to unduly restrain the opposition parties’ democratic prerogatives that eventually prompted...
View ArticleGordon Laxer: More pipelines aren’t needed to supply Canadians
Would leaving much of Canada’s oil in the soil prop up Saudi Arabia’s odious dictatorship? That’s Joseph Maloney’s far-fetched case against the Leap Manifesto in his op-ed Friday. The boilermakers...
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